We are off to a strong start in 2022 with a new partner in Digital Health. We are talking about Medical Sapiens, a multidisciplinary team of medical professionals committed to improving the accuracy of medical diagnosis. Together we will work to bring Digital Health...
At Nubentos we are determined to boost the adoption of Digital Health around the world and that is why we work every day to bring providers and consumers closer to the best innovations for Health. In this endeavour, today we would like to announce the launch of our...
‘Nubentos is the API Marketplace for Digital Health! ANd when working with Health Apps, this is your platform to go. Dicover why… If you develop Apps, surely APIs don’t hide secrets from you. If you also develop Apps for Health and Wellness, then...
The Andalusian Healthcare Quality Agency is organising the 2nd Healthcare Challenge with the participation of the Regional Ministry of Education and Sports and the Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University. Nubentos, together with other...
The Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos del Estado de Nuevo León, Data Science Monterrey, Hacking Health Monterrey, Women in Data Science, Power and Engineering and Saturday AI Monterrey are organizing this initiative where Nubentos is the official sponsor, supporting the...