
Nubentos at the COVID-19 Challenge

by | 28 Feb 2020 | 0 comments

The Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos del Estado de Nuevo León, Data Science Monterrey, Hacking Health Monterrey, Women in Data Science, Power and Engineering and Saturday AI Monterrey are organizing this initiative where Nubentos is the official sponsor, supporting the participating projects with our technology.

The COVID-19 Challenge is an open collaborative challenge for prevention and dissemination of information about this disease, which is divided into the following tracks

  1. Development of information for research
  2. Information gathering and analytical solutions

This challenge arises due to the International Health Emergency declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the good will of communities and technological civil associations in the state of New Léon, Mexico, concerned about the welfare of the population, providing true information in an understandable and accessible manner so that people can take the appropriate precautions if necessary or take actions to help combat this disease.

The objective of this challenge is to generate a viable prototype or functionality for the next complete development.

  1. It is allowed to use the technology or tools of the participants’ preference.
  2. The design of the prototype should allow the information to be accessed by a large segment of the population in a simple and understandable way.
  3. Solutions may be varied but should cover the points of information retrieval, data processing and visualization to be considered a complete prototype.

Nubentos participates in this challenge as an official sponsor, along with other entities, providing our platform for the efficient integration of APIs in Digital Health, and in particular, our API for the monitoring of the COVID-19.

Thanks to our contribution, the projects participating in this challenge will be able to have a fully operational tool, easy to use and integrate into any software, to recover in real time the official information on the evolution of this disease worldwide, from the data issued by the WHO, the CDC and other official bodies.


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