
PharmlyCloudData API for pharmaceutical analytics in the UK, now available in Nubentos

by | 3 May 2022 | 0 comments


We recently talked about our recent partnership with AnalyticHealth, a partner in the healthcare ecosystem and specialist in healthcare data and Pharmaceutical analytics in the UK. Well, we can now announce that their flagship API is now 100% available in the Nubentos API Store.

UK pharmaceutical analytics at your fingertips

PharmlyCloudData is, as we have already explained, a self-developed web application that provides information on the health and pharmaceutical market in the UK. This REST API collects and combines data from different sources so that users can easily access and download it. Pharmaceutical analytics of the UK healthcare market is no longer a secret for those players who want to open their borders in the UK.

 Among the wide range of UK healthcare data sources provided by PharmlyCloudData are primary and secondary care prescribing data, drug fee schedules and regulated prices, the list of concessions and the Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (DM+D).

 AnalyticHealth’s mission is to develop smart, accessible technology that provides organizations with the tools they need to accelerate innovation in healthcare. This digital solution, now available in our API Store, fills that need and fits perfectly with the kind of innovations we want for our portfolio.

 Having the opportunity to offer a complete and reliable pharmaceutical analytics such as PharmlyCloudData, easily accessible to any user, was an incentive in this partnership that we could not pass up.

 Enter the Nubentos API Store now and start using PharmlyCloudData. Open the frontiers of your healthcare services and get to know key pharmaceutical data in the UK. The best digital health is at your fingertips with Nubentos.

Your competitors know, don’t be left out.

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