
Multiply the users of your healthcare APIs at no cost

by | 16 Mar 2019 | 0 comments

by | Mar 16, 2019 | Howtos | 0 comments

If you have a Healthcare API or service, your main goal is to reach as many users as possible. Whether your business strategy is to monetize your Healthcare service or API, or simply to expand your user volume to improve your brand visibility, it’s clear that the more users you have, the better. Well, you should know that with Nubentos you can multiply the users of your healthcare APIs at no cost.

I will tell you how we achieve it in this article.

Scalability for your Healthcare APIs

Our distribution model for your Healthcare APIs is a scalable model. This means that without increasing costs we are able to multiply the results. And those results consist of reaching as many users as possible for your Healthcare APIs.

On your behalf, all you have to do is to publish your API in Nubentos. To do so, we provide you with all the necessary tools to do it quickly and easily in the Nubentos API Publisher. Depending on the amount and variety of resources (methods) that your API has, it will take you more or less time to publish it. But I can assure you that it will be a matter of minutes.

Scalability for your Healthcare APIs

What happens once your API is published in the Nubentos API Marketplace?

From there onwards, the community of healthcare software manufacturers, developers and integrators can easily find your API in the Nubentos API Store.

Our visitor will know what your API is used for by reading the description you have published. In fact, they will know about it much earlier, because as soon as we sign our Agreement to publish your API on Nubentos, we will also publish a promotion of your API advertising that it will be soon available.

Once a user has registered, the visitor of your API will be able to choose the subscription plan that best meets the needs of their software product and end users.

Once subscribed to your API, your subscriber will be able to test it using the sandbox URL you provided when you published your API, and will be able to easily integrate your API into their software.

By doing so, all users of their software will become users of your API.

All right, you’ve got more users, but how does Nubentos multiply your users?

Multiply your users

Very simple, the distribution process itself takes care of it. You have just read an example of a subscription being made to your API by a healthcare software company.

Several companies like that can subscribe, there’s no limit to that.

Each one of those healthcare software companies (manufacturers, developers or integrators), develops one or more software products, where your API will be integrated.

And each software product will have a network of customers (Hospitals, Clinics, Pharmacies, and so on), each with its tens, hundreds or thousands of users.

Multiply all those factors, and you will immediately see how Nubentos multiplies the users of your healthcare APIs. You simply published it in the Nubentos API Publisher.

That’s great, but at no cost?

More users at no cost

More users at no cost

Literally, but not only because Nubentos is free, but because of what you can save by publishing your API in Nubentos.

Logically, you can publish your Healthcare API or service on your own platform. There are lots of companies that are doing it. You can buy a license for an API Management platform, install it in your infrastructure, set it up and use it to deploy your APIs so that they can be integrated into third party software products.

But what costs would you be taking on by using this strategy? Without going into too much detail, let’s look at a quick improvised list:

  • Platform, which can cost you up to thousands of euros annually.
  • Infrastructure, since you need servers, databases and a high-availability setup, with load-balancers, etc., etc.
  • Manufacturer’s support that guarantees that the installation and configuration of the platform are correct.
  • Training your team, or hiring new technicians, that will allow you to use the platform correctly (maintain it, administer it, etc).

In addition to these costs, add an additional cost to attract these third party development companies to your API.

Well, all these costs are saved by publishing your healthcare API in Nubentos.

In short, Nubentos multiplies the number of users of your healthcare APIs at no cost because:

  1. it’s a scalable distribution model, in which many healthcare software companies can subscribe to your API and spread it to all their customers and end users,
  2. it is free,
  3. you save considerable costs,
  4. it gives your API greater visibility to companies that may be interested in integrating your Healthcare API.

And of course, publishing your API in Nubentos is fully compatible with any other distribution or marketing model of your API that you may currently be using. It’s just a matter of considering monetization policies compatible with the rest of your channels, and that’s it. You can open a new revenue stream for your business, at no cost.


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