
How to document your API for Health in Nubentos

by | 21 May 2019 | 0 comments

by | May 21, 2019 | Howtos | 0 comments

In this quick how-to we are showing you how to document your API for Health in Nubentos. You will see how easy and versatile it is to offer to your new API consumers a complete and ordered documentation.

Attaching a proper documentation to your API for Health, allows the development community to understand what functionalities it provides. In addition, it is one of the key aspects to differentiate from your competitors and make your API more attractive.

Nubentos provides you with different features to publish your API documentation and make it easy to find through its integrated search tools.

What will you learn

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Attach the documentation of your APIs, through the different sources available.

What will you need

To follow this tutorial step by step, you must have a Nubentos API Provider account. You can become a Nubentos API Provider by requesting it through this link.

Besides, you will need the following before you begin:

  • The API must be previously published in Nubentos. In our blog, we tell you step by step how you can publish your API for Health in Nubentos, easily and fast. For this tutorial we have published an example API for clinic management, called “MedicalAPI”.
  • All the documentation to be appended to your API, be it in different file formats, links to your website section for developers, or a document with the specifications of your API for Health.

How to document your API for Health

To attach the documentation of your published API in Nubentos, you must follow these steps:

  1. Use the access credentials we have given to you, to access your API Provider account in Nubentos.
  2. Make sure you are in the user interface of Nubentos API Publisher.

apimarket nubentos

  1. Click on the API icon “MedicalAPI” or on its title, and the API detail information will show, “Overview” tab.

Overview nubentos

  1. Select the “Docs” tab to access the different choices to add the documents.

This will be your starting point to add the different types of documents to your API for Health.

The first document will be an API description, and we will add it with the integrated editor. The steps are:

  1. Click on the“Add New Document” button
  2. Several fields to be filled in are shown:
    • Name: for giving the document a name.
    • Type: to select from the available types.
    • Source: the document source.
    • Summary: a short description summarizing the content and use of the document.

For our example we use these values:

Name MedicalAPI
Type How To
Source In-line
Summary Short description of the MedicalAPI
  1. Now click on the “Add Document” button

Add Document Inline nubentos

  1. You will be confirmed that the document has been added, but it is still empty. To open the editor click on “Edit Content”:

Edit Content nubentos

  1. A new window will show you the integrated editor where you can write the content of your document.

Inline Editor nubentos

  1. When done, click on “Save and Close” .

The second document we will add to our example API, is a developers guide in PDF format. As you will see, the steps are quite similar:

  1. Go back to the “Docs” tab and click on “Add new Document
  2. Fill in the fields with the following information:
Name API Developers Guide
Type How To
Source File
Summary API guide explains how you can implement some of the  most common use cases and describe concepts that you need to understand in order to use the MedicalAPI
  1. In the “Source” section, by clicking on the “File” check, you can upload your PDF file by clicking on the “Browse” button.

Attach File nubentos

  1. Select the path to your file and click again on “Add Document
  2. Unlike the previous document, now you will have the “Open” option available that will download the PDF file to the developer’s local machine.

Document Added File nubentos

Finally, we will link the URL to the API support website, where developers can make questions and record issues. The steps are:

  1. Go back to the “Docs” tab and click on “Add new Document
  2. Fill in the fields with the following information, and selecting the type “Support Forum” :
Name MedicalAPI Support Portal
Type Support Forum
Source URL:
Summary Access our Support Portal in order to log a case and create a support ticket and read knowledge articles about our various software solutions
  1. Provide the support URL and click on “Add Document”.

Suppor Forum nubentos


This way you have added three different documents to your API for Health, that will surely be helpful for the developers that want to use your API, and will make it more attractive for new subscribers.

How can you access to your API documentation

But how will these resources be accessed from the other side of the Marketplace, the API Store? To see it, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Nubentos API Store website at
  2. Select the API and access its publisher store by clicking on the “Visit Publisher Store” button, that will take you to the published API.

API Store Listing nubentos

  1. Click on the published API and then click on “Documentation”, where you will see the different resources that were appended before, just as the future API subscriptor and consumer will see.

Store API Document nubentos


This way, your API will show a more professional image, and it will be easier for the developers to integrate it in their solutions.


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