
Gamification and Fitness by WeFitter, our new partner in Digital Health

by | 9 Jun 2022 | 0 comments

We are entering the summer with a new provider that brings interesting contributions to our digital catalogue. As we have said on previous occasions, the function of Nubentos is to provide the ecosystem with the largest number of useful digital solutions for the healthcare ecosystem. In this case, we are in front of a provider that has an innovative solution based on fitness and gamification applicable to healthcare: WeFitter!

 Gamification aimed at improving the health of your patients

 WeFitter was born as part of another company dedicated to the development of solutions for cases where AI and Machine-learning are needed, entering the digital health sector and contributing to the transformation towards a preventive health care. This new Nubentos partner, helps digital health platforms improve business performance, engagement and data insights by introducing an aggregator API that provides connections to today’s most used fitness apps, wearables and gamification elements.

 The WeFitter API helps digital health platforms improve user health by combining wearable data with gamification and AI. It aims to improve user engagement and loyalty to their fitness tracking through gamification tools and connections with leading wearable brands in the clinical space.

 Manuel Morales, CEO and Co-Founder in Nubentos tells us about the benefits of this new agreement for both parties… “For Nubentos, finding “API-first” providers like Wefitter is fantastic, because the collaboration is very fluid and natural. We are also in front of a product that strengthens our portfolio for wellness, fitness and wearables, use cases with a very wide scope and potential. We are very happy that they have trusted Nubentos to reach more users and grow with us.”.

 If your work is the development of digital solutions applicable to healthcare, do not hesitate to contact Nubentos. Every day more and more partners trust us to introduce their APIs in our platform and thus make them known to the world from a comfortable, safe, accessible place to everyone and with the greatest ease. Enter the Nubentos API Store now and find out more about the possibilities we offer you.


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