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Plans available for your user account

In Nubentos you have different levels of access through your user account, contracting the user plan that best suits your needs.

The main variable that distinguishes one plan from another is the monthly consumption volume of each API you want to manage, or in other words, the average number of users of your software tools and applications each month.

If your applications have a small number of users, you will probably receive few uses each month. Depending on the use case, there may be features that receive a few hundred requests. For this scenario, the Starter plan is ideal, as it gives you access to the entire catalog, but allows you to subscribe on a per API basis to consumption plans that reach a maximum of 1,000 monthly uses.

It may also be the most interesting option if you receive more volume of uses, but want to start with small pilots and then scale up.

The Basic plan extends the consumption plans you have available in each API up to 10,000 monthly uses. This allows you to undertake projects with a larger number of end users or monthly transactions. It is also common as a next step after deploying your pilot in the Starter plan and reaching a certain volume of users, or with an increasing trend in the number of monthly transactions.

For applications with a high number of transactions and/or end users, the Pro plan allows you to subscribe to consumption plans of up to 50,000 uses per month, per API.

Here we have a number of additional functionalities that may be interesting for projects of a certain size, such as the possibility of integrating standard HL7®️ FHIR®️ interfaces, using our advanced dashboard or enabling team access.

Finally we come to the Business plan, which gives you access to all consumption plans for all APIs, unlimited support and the ability to request our team of experts to design and publish HL7®️ FHIR®️ interfaces for the use cases you are interested in. It also includes access to teams of 3 developers, plus those you want to add.

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