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Generate your keys and token

To start using an API you need:

  • Having a user account subscribed to a user plan
  • Having an active subscription to an API consumption plan

You will then need to generate your keys and access token to be able to make API calls.

You will be able to make API calls from your software, or directly from the Nubentos online Console, which will allow you to analyze how the API works and understand how to use it and what response it returns, before starting the development of your integration.

The access keys and tokens to your APIs are managed from your Applications. Therefore, the first step is to access the Applications management in the top left menu of the development portal.

Access to Application Management


You will now be shown a list of the Applications you have created with your user account. You will need to select the Application that contains the API subscription you want to use.

Select the Application containing your API subscription


In the Application detail screen, you will see the two tabs we are interested in now:

  • Production Keys
  • Sandbox Keys

Production and Sandbox Keys


All APIs provide access to your production environment. The keys to use the API against that environment must be managed from the “Production Keys” tab. The uses you make with these keys will generate consumption in your subscription.

Most APIs, but not all, offer access to a test environment. The keys to use the API against this test environment must be managed from the “Sandbox Keys” tab. The uses you make with these keys will not generate consumption in your subscription, although they may be limited according to your user plan.

Access the tab of the environment where you want to use your API.

Generate keys to use your API


You can specify the validity period of the access token, expressed in seconds, in the corresponding field just above the “Generate keys” button. By default, the keys will be valid for one hour.

After clicking on “Generate keys”, you will be able to copy the generated keys and the access token:

Consumer key and consumer key

Access token


The commands required to request a new token are also shown, using the two available grant types: password and client credentials.

From this point on, you will be able to send API requests using the generated keys and token.

Next steps:

Previous Subscribe to an API
Next Test your API on the console
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