
AI API for Diabetes by Medicsen: Use Cases

by | 2 Oct 2019 | 0 comments

Diabetes is one of the world’s most extended chronic deseases. In the next decades, it’s expected to grow unbalanced in different geographic areas depending on their economic development.

Medicsen has created an AI algorithm, Suggin, that can predict the future glucose values of the diabetic patient 2 hours in advance, and has published it in Nubentos, which makes this innovation for Diabetes available for any budget.

In this ebook you will find some of the main Use Cases of their solution.

eSignature API: Interview with Signaturit

eSignature API: Interview with Signaturit

The digitalization of health care is an absolute priority in the entire health care ecosystem. All healthcare entities, from Healthcare Centres to Insurance Companies, including Pharmas, Laboratories, etc. are making significant investments in the digital...

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